Josh has the experience to

Keep Frisco On Track!

In 2021 Josh was appointed to the Frisco Community Development Corporation Board. During that time he has been involved and voted on projects such as:

  • Frisco Library
  • Grand Park
  • Kaleidoscope Park
  • Fields West
  • Rollertown
  • Rail District
  • Miracle League Field
  • Pickle Ball Courts at Warren Sports Complex
  • Purple Heart Monument at Frisco Commons
  • Universal Park & Resort
  • Luminant Tract
  • Comerica Center
  • Toyota Stadium

Over the last 14 years Josh has served in a variety of Frisco organizations and community positions.

  • Frisco Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
  • Visit Frisco Board Member
  • Member of the Frisco Rotary Club since 2014
  • Leadership Frisco Graduate Class XVIII
  • Frisco City Hall 101 Graduate
  • Citizen's Police Academy Graduate
  • Citizen's Fire Academy Graduate

Since 2018 Josh Meek has attended 131 Frisco City Council Meetings accumulating 400+ hours of city council session time.


"Keep Frisco On Track"

#1 - Thriving Partnerships

Frisco’s massive success is due to our thriving partnerships with developers, our school districts, corporations, healthcare systems and higher education institutions. 

A culture of thriving partnership must be prioritized as we finalize Frisco’s buildout. We must also deepen the relationship with our existing partners with reinvestment like the recent renovations at Comerica Center and upcoming updates to Toyota Stadium. 

Our most important partner has been you, the Frisco resident. You have trusted Frisco to pursue some big dreams and with your support those dreams are now realities.

#2 - Pioneering Innovation

I believe that public safety is the number one priority for a community. I believe that the integration of  technological innovations and artificial intelligence can further enhance the high quality performance of our first responders. In addition to public safety enhancements, I believe that we can lead the way in AI technology to alleviate one of the few frustrations of living in Frisco, traffic congestion.

#3 - Leveraging Economics

The City of Frisco has one of the lowest effective tax rates in the region. A main contributor to this lower tax rate is the leveraged use of sales tax revenue. Through our Community Development and Economic Development Corporations we are able to create funding sources to help strategically fund parks, projects and attract employers that many other communities would have to fund through their property taxes. By continuing to invest in Frisco as a destination location and leveraging sales tax revenues, we are able to keep our property taxes lower.


We can Keep Frisco On Track!

Josh's Track Record

Josh Meek
Frisco City Council Candidate

To date, I have attended 131 Frisco City Council meetings. I currently serve on the Frisco Community Development Corporation Board (CDC) and for the past several years I have worked on many projects you are likely familiar with. These projects include:

  • Frisco Library
  • Grand Park
  • Kaleidoscope Park
  • Fields West
  • Rollertown
  • Rail District
  • Miracle League Field
  • Pickle Ball Courts at Warren Sports Complex
  • Purple Heart Monument at Frisco Commons
  • The Wall That Heals Tour
  • Universal Park & Resort
  • Luminant Tract
  • Comerica Center
  • Toyota Stadium

When I arrived to Frisco in 2011, I immediately started serving and putting my talents to work within the community. This led me to serve in the following positions and organizations.

  • Frisco Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
  • Visit Frisco Board Member
  • Frisco Young Professionals
  • Rotary Club of Frisco; Club President & Board of Directors

In addition to serving in community positions I have also completed the following community education programs.

  • Leadership Frisco Class XVIII Graduate
  • Frisco City Hall 101 Graduate
  • Frisco Citizen’s Police Academy Graduate
  • Frisco Citizen’s Fire Academy Graduate
  • FISD ISD – ISM program mentor

I believe that my consistency and experience is what qualifies me as the best choice to be Frisco’s next leader. I ask for your vote and your trust. Together we can Keep Frisco On Track! 


Keep Frisco On Track!


Balanced Budget & Low Taxes

Our city leaders have done an excellent job of managing our property tax rates. For many years Frisco has boasted one of the lowest city tax rates while delivering high quality city services. I commit to continuing this stewardship and seeing that the city passes a balanced budget at a low tax rate.

Public Safety

Frisco is committed to keeping our citizens, families and visitors safe. 50% of Frisco’s general fund expenditures go to Police and Fire. I believe that we need to continue to invest in life-saving technologies and our first responders. Most importantly, the city needs to invest in our first responders, starting with providing in-depth Post Traumatic Stress resources for Frisco police officers, fire fighters and dispatchers. They see, help and carry us through some of our worst moments and worst days of our lives. We need to be there for them in helping them unload the weight of catastrophes.

Strong Schools

Ask any family why they moved to Frisco and they will answer with “the schools.” Without a doubt the school district is one of the greatest investments and assets Frisco has. As a community leader I commit to seeing our school district continues to succeed.

Frisco has been in the process of developing our citizen’s options for higher education. The next #1 or “first” acclamation I would like Frisco to receive is that of being #1 City for Education.

Improve Traffic

For me, the only drawback I have found in Frisco is the traffic. It is both a blessing and a curse that we live in one of the fastest growing cities in America. Everyone wants to be here NOW! Currently the city is working with auto manufacturers Audi and BMW to use technology to help move traffic more efficiently. The city also has a partnership with the app, Waze, which I recommend everyone use to get around town as the city alerts Waze of major events and road shutdowns to help drivers navigate without running into congested roadways. I believe that traffic conditions will improve upon the connection of many roadways as the city builds out and existing roadway projects are completed.

Local Control & Legislative

I believe that Frisco council members will need to be involved with state representatives in 2021. In 2019 the legislature passed several bills that affected local rule across the state. One of those bills was House Bill 2439 which restrains local government entities from enforcing the use of building products, materials, or methods used in the construction or renovation of residential or commercial buildings. Frisco has always set a standard to deliver high quality, Texas HB 2439 limits the ability for Frisco leadership to uphold that standard of high quality.

Economic Development

I believe that our continued community’s investment into our education and safety systems will help drive economic development. Families want good schools to send their kids to and everyone wants to feel safe. With an efficient tax rate, safety and education in place; CEOs, entrepreneurs and influencers will want Frisco to be the place they plant their flag.

I am a supporter of using the city’s Economic Development Corporation funds to help provide additional incentives to employers to help bring jobs to Frisco.

Legacy Leadership

One of the major functions of city council is the hiring and firing of the city manager. George Purefoy is a man that I admire and have the utmost respect for. George has grown Frisco from a town to a major North Texas city which is no small task. It has been reported that he is considering retirement in the next few years. Upon George’s retirement our community will face a pivotal moment in the city’s future and culture. I am in favor of both a national search or an internal promotion, just like this election, may the best candidate win!


For all the #1 recognitions Frisco has received, I find it surprising that in a community of many affluent and educated individuals that we have not received more recognition for the arts. I am committed to growing the influence of the arts in Frisco. I would specifically like to see the arts as a major component of Grand Park.

Currently Hall Office Park has plans to open a Performing Arts Center with their development on the Northwest corner of Hall Park. I believe a Performing Arts Center is needed to compliment our community’s culture.

I am also excited about the cultural opportunities that Music Street will provide to Frisco. This venue is opening up opposite The Star on the east side of DNT.

Destination Location

We can help offset the cost of property taxes to Frisco citizens by continuing to develop our city as a destination location. When visitors come to shop our retail, attend concerts or sporting events, and visit KidZania, we collect additional revenues through our sales tax and HOT tax. 

The idea of developing Frisco into a destination location was reinforced while I was serving as a Visit Frisco board of directors member. This department of the city is responsible for marketing and attracting visitors to come to Frisco. 

One remaining project that will be a destination, and I believe the crown jewel of Frisco, is Grand Park. I commit to helping city staff and our community to make Grand Park a reality.

Yard Sign




We will keep you updated on both the Vote Meek campaign and the Frisco community.